LinkedIn Carousel Generator

Generate LinkedIn carousel images to increase your engagement on social media.

demo gif


What is a Linkedin Carousel Post

A Linkedin Carousel Post is a set of images that are displayed in a slideshow format. Carousel posts are a new feature that you can generate by uploading a PDF or PPT file.

Why does the tool generate PDFs?

To generate a carousel post on LinkedIn, the easiest way is to you upload a PDF file.

How do I download a single image?

You can right click a single image to download it in PNG format.

Can I use other colors besides the default colors?

Yes, you can type in the name for any color you want or provide the hexcode.

How can I provide feedback on the tool?

You can email me at or message me on Linkedin

Can I use other colors besides the default colors?

Yes, you can type in the name for any color you want or provide the hexcode.

How do I change the text size or color?

These features are coming soon, stay tuned.

How can I add a new slide?

To add a new slide, click the Add Slide button. Clicking Next Slide will only work if there are more slides available.
